Book a fit test online Quick and easy

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Book your fit test today. Simply fill in your details below and one of our SafetyCo team members will be in touch to confirm your booking. Fit test booking is quick and easy. We also provide mobile fit testing for those that require it (see terms and conditions for more details)

*NOTE: For weekend bookings please contact us directly via email.

In A Rush?

For any urgent fit testing required, please contact us on 0478 056 865 or email us at

Your Safety Is Our Priority

There are countless hazardous materials present in our workplaces and we unknowingly inhale the vapours, particles and fumes produced by these materials every day.

Respirators and masks are used to protect us from inhaling these hazardous materials and prevent any physical complications that may occur. However, respirators and masks are only made effective when the seal between wearer and mask is tight.

To achieve the protection needed, respirators require fit testing when first issued to the wearer and continue to be retested annually, unless there are factors in which the mask needs to be retested earlier. Some of these factors may include the wearer being issued a new respirator, the respirator has been in service for a period of 12 months, the wearer has experienced excessive weight gain or loss, or the wearer has undergone major dental work.

On the event of a successful pass test, a certificate will be issued and emailed to the wearer and their company.